I've neglected this blog like a Turkish neglects to obey street signs. I just wanted to post some exciting things going on in my spectrum of the world. School is going great, its been busy but in two semesters I look forward to going to THAILAND!
It is going to be quite the experience. I'm going there for a two week service trip. My team of 30 will be going to the southern part of Thailand, around Phuket. I will be on the medical team, I will assist the doctors that are going with us. We will do simple things such as check ups/physicals, lessons on hygiene, and we will stock their clinic with medical supplies that should last them for a while. Other things that we will be doing there is building them a bigger fish pond. These village children eat at school and eat the fish that they raise right from their own pond. Complaints have been made that the fish pond is too small. This will significantly help. We will also help their harvest their garden, and help expand that. While we are there we will get the opportunity to teach english lessons and supply their school with supplies.
This is truly why I want to go into the Health Sciences. I have always wanted to go on a trip like this, and this one is perfect because we get to touch on so many aspects of service it will truly be an enlightening experience.
I truly believe that goodness is giving service, and unselfishness. We are to live for others, and others live for you. This is goodness.
P.S. if you would like to donate to this trip, for supplies and such just send me an email and I will give you details!
Jordan Nielson