Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Thoughts... (Don't read if you base our friendship on our political opinions).

We are blessed in so many ways in this country with a democracy, and having the right to vote, a right not other countries have. As we exercise our right and perform our civic duties I hope we can come together as a united country.
There are many things I have learned from this election.
1. You can still be friends with people that disagree with you.
Its life. Get over it. Everyone you get along with will not always agree with you. The key here is to have mutual respect and meaningful discussions with those you interact with. 
2. Be strong in your stance, but don't shove it in anyone's face. 
I have the strongest respect for people who have the courage to stand their ground. They know what they believe and they are immovable. They are up for discussions, but are often attacked for being close minded and unintelligent. This is simply not true, they have made their decisions based on their belief system. Let's be honest, that's how we all make our decisions. 
3. Some people are big babies.
I learned this from a coworker. Myself and her couldn't disagree more when it comes to politics and the elections. So she demanded that I don't talk politics at work. To respect her sensitivity she felt to her politic opinions I refrained from discussing politics with her, which is fine because we would have never agreed on anything! Later I find out I was the only one at work demanded to be hush about my opinions. I was hushed by a supervisor because my political beliefs were different from hers. Let's grow up people.
4. Don't laugh at people.
I laughed at a few people that told me who their preferred presidential candidate was. Now this isn't a socially acceptable thing to do, plus it demeans people you interact with. They have their beliefs that coordinate with their decisions and they value them as much as you value yours. So I'm a baby too sometimes, or just mean... you decide.
5. People lighten up with the social media.
I'm sorry, but I do not go on facebook to read paragraphs and essays in mine or my friend's status update comments. I for one cannot bring myself to read all of your opinions crammed into a tiny little box on a social networking website. To go along with this political cartoons are funny people! No need to insult someone's whole family and ancestry because of a cartoon making fun of Mitt Romney's money, or Barack Obama's term. It's going to happen, always will, so relax.
6. I love this country!
The last thing I want to emphasize is that I love this country. This election didn't teach me this, but it did reinforce it. Sometimes we can be short with each other or disagree to both extreme ends of the spectrum, but at the end of the day we are all Americans and we all love this country! 

So come tomorrow morning, I will be expecting endless Facebook statuses, tweets, and continuing contention from all. Please don't disappoint me! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Hold on I'm tweeting

I really am bad at this blogging on a regular basis kind of thing, but I'm going to try and be better! I know most of you know care, or really have interest in the thoughts that go through my head. They aren't super entertaining or profound, so I'm still impressed that you are still reading this.

I am just intrigued with social media right now. I'm loving the constant feeds, pictures, updates, and anything you can think of, you can seriously share within seconds. Let me share some of my recent facebook status updates, tweets, and instagrams, just for an example:

Do you think Satan gets a lot of letters from dyslexic kids during Christmas?

Bustin' out the CHRISTMAS music! Love this

Almost 3 years ago I left my job at best buy because of crabby customers and their precious technology. I started work at huntsman cancer hospital and have never dealt with more kind and humble people and their fight with cancer. 
Priorities people!

 I like you as a friend... 

Batman came to physics today. Unfortunately at this point in the semester we can't be saved.   

Then instagram, I've posted pictures of my dog, brother, niece, and leaf-changing trees... Yeah things that I REALLY needed to share.

I was discussing this concept with my neighbor. Social media is a lot of work, and if you don't stay caught up you will fall behind. However if you get lost in it you will fall behind in life. I have more friends in cyberspace than I do in real life. I have been waiting for a girl to date, but then I realized... I could have walked right past her, but I was too busy looking down at my phone! (you would be looking at your phone too if you had an iphone full of friends) Awko Taco... so I really wish I could pull myself out of this trap called social media, but then I would have to have real life interactions... Problem... I forgot how. I will keep to the basics of: eye contact, genuine listening, and maybe a friendly punch in the face? I have a lot to work on, lets just say that.

...wait is this blogging considered social media...? ...crap.