Adventures during 2011... well I not only bought one, but I purchased two cars in 2011. My first car purchase was my G6, and boy was I fly! It was a great first car buying experience! Months down the road my financial status changed and I couldn't resist the temptation anymore... that's when I bought my second car, my BMW! There are no words that can describe how cool I am now.
During 2011 I moved into my current apartment and its been the best ever! I won't be moving anytime soon. I also tried a few new things that brought good memories to 2011. I tried rock climbing for the first time, it was fun but not sure if its what I want to spend my time doing, plus its expensive! I also water skied for the first time... also not successful, but incredibly fun!
I am not going to include my mini adventures, but trust me...there are plenty.
Coming up in 2012, I am looking to get not 2, but 3 semesters of schooling done. First time I ever do summer school. Wish me luck! 7 months from now will be the first time I go out of the country! Quite a milestone is one's life. I will go to Thailand and I'm preparing to have the most incredible experience! I can't plan everything for this year, but its laying out to be a might fine year. I will hopefully run into more adventures and be ready for whatever this year brings!